Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Band: UnderΦath

Underoath's webpage is really great and creative. The background is an inmense image that has a great explanation of who they are. The page doesn't scroll, instead, you click where you want to go. For example, if you want to go to their album history, click the tab, then it magically send you to that part of the image background. They've got everything that I'd expect... and even more! They have News, Shows, Band Members, Music, Media, Photos, Journal, Links, Contact, eNews, and Merchandise. Also, its very colorful, is just cheers you up, in a certain way... ? Anyways, its got all the information you need to know this band.

F.P.B.A is a fantastic website. The first page of the site is intruducing while playing it´s theme. Also, the tabs are funny and creative. If you move your mouse to a tab, it pops-up with a stylish new font. Second, its only one page instead of a complex one. Its easier because your computer could work better that way. Third, it is really helpful if you want to know about the show. Its got their bios, video clips to let you know how they act, and images.
Movie: YES! Man

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Peer Evaluation

I graded Natalia's Blog


  • Different Font Styles> 0
  • Different Font Colors> 2
  • Pictures> 3
  • A Table> 3
  • Two Anchors> 0
  • Links to Websites> 2
  • Background Image> 4
  • Embedded Video> 4
  • Saved Correctly> 1
  • Overall Effort & Effect> 2
2+3+3+2+4+4+1+2= 21/30
Natalia... you could've done better. It was difficult reading the explanations, they were the same color as the background