My Holiday Break was exactly what I expected. Right after we got out of school, I stayed home and enjoyed playing CoD: Modern Warfare 2 which is a truly amazing game. Also, I went to Guadalajara starting the second week of vacation. There, I spent having fun with my younger cousin, and two older ones. We spent Christmas there and all I got was an Ibanez Gio GRX20, with a Joe Satriani strap, and a Peavey Rage 158 amp. I really rocked the heck out of them. I was learning Carlos Santana - Samba pa' ti, Bring Me the Horizon - Suicide Season, and The Spill Canvas - All Over You. They are great and easy to learn songs. Anyways, my young cousin got many gifts in which he liked alot. I played with him for quite a while with his "Avalanche", a type of go-cart that is self propeled. We all ate turkey and ham, I couldn't believe we didn't finish them, cause after all, we were 8 people. After a few days, we came back home and brought my two cousins, Brenda and Karen. I really enjoyed my gifts and spending time with family.
Time home was great and relaxing. The day after I came home, my friend J.P. invited me to his place to stay for a night. I did, my mom let me stay for the night instead of just for a while.
When I was there, we went bike riding all over the neighborhood, ate at an Asian restaurant, and too the beach. I really like spending time with him, he's cool and funny. Also, we tried composing more songs and he taught me a complicated yet great piece he made while practicing. he has this dog, named Luka that has about 8 months and he's a really crazy and sometimes annoying. I tried taking him for a walk, at first, it was all great and peacefull. Then, he started running all of a sudden and I got really tired. Also, J.P. brought his bike so we started taking turns playing "S.K.A.T.E." and watching the dog. I had a great time with J.P.
New Year's Eve was really fun. All of my cousins f
rom Guadalajara came. My aunt, uncle, and cousin slept in my room where as my other girl cousins, slept in my sisters room. We ate turkey, mushroom cream and other traditional foods. After that, we all took about 20 pictures besides the christmas tree. Also, when it was 1:15 a.m. we went downtown to see how everything was going. We stayed near a beach where we threw rocks for quite a while. Then, we came back to our house and played some videogames then, went to sleep.
sounds like a great break. What time did you finally go to sleep on New Years? Likely later then me!